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From The Bookshelves

Plenty Of Variety For Your Teaching Garden

March 1, 2019 Sandra Anderson

Welcome to our spring column of From the Bookshelves. I have tried to include a little something for everyone in this edition, so hopefully you’ll find something here that will take hold and grow in your teaching garden. 

Please remember that all of these resources can be shipped to either your home or your school, and our library pays for the return shipping. No matter where you are in the province, you get free service from your ATA library. If you don’t see anything here that sparks your fire, email me at and tell me about a topic that excites you. I’m always happy to do research for teachers.


Balance Like a Pirate: Going Beyond Work–Life Balance to Ignite Passion and Thrive as an Educator
Cabeen, J. et al. 2018. San Diego, CA: Dave Burgess Consulting (370 C114)
Like the other books in this series, this one discusses how to engage passionately without worrying about drowning. Admitting that balance is a myth, the authors discuss paring away “shoulds” to focus on what really matters to you.

The Beginning Teacher’s Field Guide: Embarking on Your First Years
Boogren, T. H. 2018. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree (371.102 B724)
As with any big change in life, there are six stages to the process of living through that change: anticipation, survival, disillusionment, rejuvenation, reflection and second anticipation. Author Tina Boogren offers new teachers classroom strategies and self-care practices that have been tailored to each of these stages.

The Big Book of Even More Therapeutic Activity Ideas for Children and Teens: Inspiring Arts-Based Activities and Character Education Curricula
Joiner, L. 2016. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (618.9289 J74)
This book has great projects and lesson plans that teachers can use to unleash creativity, teach social and positive thinking skills, and strategies to overcome anger and anxiety.

Close Reading in the Secondary Classroom
Flygare, J. 2018. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Research (372.4 F648)
Defining close reading as a way to drill down into a text to develop a deep understanding of the author’s work, author Jeff Flygare provides teachers with strategies for guiding students through the development of these reading skills.

Create, Perform, Teach!: An Early Years Practitioner’s Guide to Developing Your Creativity and Performance Skills
Smedley, N. 2018. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (372.21 S637)
Engaging with your students is one of the most important skills a teacher can learn. This concise guide provides some great ideas for upping your game in an early years classroom.

The Creator’s Game: Lacrosse, Identity and Indigenous Nationhood
Downey, A. 2018. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press (796.36208 D748)
Seen as a gift from the Creator by Indigenous people’s, lacrosse was appropriated by white settlers and into the Canadian national identity. It was later reclaimed by Indigenous communities and played as a resistance to acculturation. The history of lacrosse is really a history of settler/Indigenous relations in Canada.

Ensouling Our Schools: A Universally Designed Framework for Mental Health, Well-Being, and Reconciliation
Katz, J. 2018.  Winnipeg, MB: Portland and Main (371.90460971 K18)
Only one-fifth of students with mental health issues will receive any kind of help with those problems.  Understanding that learning cannot take place until the emotional and social needs of students are met, the authors provide useful ideas for creating the nurturing environments that children need. 

Experience Inquiry: 5 Powerful Strategies, 50 Practical Experiences
Mitchell, K. L. 2019.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press (371.3 M681)
In this great hands-on manual, Kimberly Mitchell gives teachers examples of how to do practical inquiry and then a chance to actually practice what she explains. She includes self-surveys to check for understanding and provides excellent tools.

Games of Survival: Traditional Inuit Games for Elementary Students
Issaluk, J. 2012. Iqualit, NU: Inhabit Media (9781927095218)
Introducing traditional Indigenous games to a physical education class is a great way to add more Indigenous content into your curriculum. The book is written for teachers of elementary students but many of these games could also be introduced in high school as they require a significant amount of fitness to master.

Gift of Sports: Indigenous Ceremonial Dimensions of the Games We Love
Arnold, P. P. 2012.  San Francisco, CA: Cognella, Inc.(7986 A757)
An interesting look at the religious origins of sports and the spiritual elements that continue in sports to this day.

Grit in the Classroom: Building Perseverance for Excellence in Today’s Students
Sanguras, L. Y. 2017. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press (371.102 S225)
Grit is the thing that makes us not give up, and it is one of the most important ingredients for lifelong success. Laila Sanguras examines strategies for helping students build their determination and grit capacities.

Hacking Mathematics: 10 Problems that Need Solving
Sheeran, D. 2018. Highland Heights, OH: Times 10 Publications (510 S539)
Author Denis Sheeran promises to show teachers how to create relevant math connections for students, use homework effectively while reducing anxiety about it, connect with a global community of math educators and provide meaningful feedback. Does he succeed? Borrow this book and let us know!

Joy of Syntax: A Simple Guide to All the Grammar You Know You Should Know
Casagrande, J. 2018. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press (372.6 C335)
In this mercifully brief tome (sorry grammar geeks), readers will find clear and concise answers to all of the grammar questions their students could possibly throw at them.

Leading a High Reliability School
Marzano, R. et al. 2018. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree (371.207 M393)
Leading a whole-school transformation to high reliability requires professional learning communities argues Robert Marzano and his co-authors. They discuss how administrators can make their schools into safe, supportive and collaborative environments that support effective teaching in all classes.

Leading School Change: How to Overcome Resistance, Increase Buy-In, and Accomplish Your Goals
Whitaker, T. 2018. New York, NY: Routledge (371.2011 W578)
Become a better leader by implementing new methods of interacting with staff and managing projects that help you accomplish meaningful school change. Todd Whitaker offers readers a quick guide to rethinking how you approach change in your school.

Managing in the Gray: 5 Timeless Questions for Resolving Your Toughest Problems at Work
Badaracco, J. L. 2016. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press (658.403 B132)
The hardest decisions are those in the grey—that have no clear right answer. Joseph Badaracco shares a useful technique for making the best decision when there is no correct one. 

Mindful Arts in the Classroom: Stories and Creative Activities for Social and Emotional Learning
Nance, A. J. 2018. Berkeley, CA: Parallax Press (370.1534 N176)
Author Andrew Nance has created a 21-lesson curriculum using easy-to-lead exercises for young students from kindergarten to grade 3. He shows how teachers can use storytelling, theatre games and drawing to strengthen children’s social and emotional learning in the classroom.

The Neurodiverse Classroom: A Teacher’s Guide to Individual Learning Needs and How to Meet Them
Honeyboure, V. 2018. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (37.92 H772)
Acknowledging that neurodiversity in the classroom is a significant challenge for teachers, Honeybourne offers practical ideas for using simple tools to meet the needs of many neurodiverse learners at one time.

Redskins: Insult and Brand
King, C. R. 2016. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press (970.00497 K52)
Have you ever wondered why American sports teams use tribal names or insults about Indigenous peoples as their brands? This thoughtful book examines the disturbing history of the name used by Washington’s National Football League team and why the league defends the name. Author C. Richard King also discusses the relationship between mainstream American culture and Indigenous peoples.

The Simple Guide to Understanding Shame in Children: What It Is, What Helps, and How to Prevent Further Stress or Trauma
De Thierry, B. 2019. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (362.50 T436)
Looking at how shame becomes a poison in children’s minds, author Betsy de Thierry provides teachers with a deeper understanding of the toxic effects of shame and how to help students build their esteem to overcome the effects of shame.

Spirit Gifting: The Concept of Spiritual Exchange
Ghostkeeper, E. 2007. Raymond, AB: Writing on Stone Press (971.00497 G411)
Writing in an engaging way, Elmer Ghostkeeper introduces readers to the Métis worldview and explains how exchange is understood in Métis culture. An excellent short read for anyone who wishes to learn more about Métis in Canada.

Teen Mental Health in an Online World: Supporting Young People around their Use of Social Media, Apps, Gaming, Texting and the Rest
Betton V. and J. Woollard. 2019. London: UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (362.20835 B565)
More and more research is showing concerning results about mental health and excessive screen time use. Balance is important but so is engaging with the online world in a way that fosters creativity rather than mindless consumption. Authors Victoria Betton and James Woollard demonstrate ways that teachers can encourage teens to use social media in ways that support their mental health and well-being.

Timeless Learning: How Imagination, Observation, and Zero-Based Thinking Change Schools
Socol, I. et al. 2018. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass (371.207 S678)
Arguing that standardization kills the joy in education, the authors discuss ways that teachers can help kids retain their enthusiasm for learning and excitement for active participation throughout their education.

Using Peer Assessment to Inspire Reflection and Learning
Topping, K. J. 2018. London, UK: Routledge (370.711 T678)
Peer assessment can be a powerful learning tool but is difficult to implement effectively in the classroom. Author Keith Topping has created a useful guide for introducing peer assessment across many grades and subjects.

Word Study That Sticks: Best Practices K–6
Koutrakos, P. 2019. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Literacy. (372.465 K88)
Ready to add joy, inquiry and active exploration to your word studies? In this well-illustrated, engaging book you will find clear lesson plans, strategies and workarounds for including word studies in a whole new way. A highly recommended book!


Didn’t know that our library will loan you technology kits? You’re not alone! This is a library secret we are doing our best to share with teachers, but we need your help to get the word out. From 3D printing pens to drones to robots, we have the newest technology for you to test out before deciding if it’s right for your classroom makerspace. Below is a list of some of our newest additions to this collection.

Electricity Master Lab
Thames Kosmos. 2018. Providence, RI: Thames Kosmos (EML 1)
This science kit explores more than 100 experiments of direct and alternating current. Accompanied by a 96-page manual, this easy-to-use kit will spark great ideas for your science class.

Holy Stone Drone
Holy Stone. 2017. US: Holy Stone (DRO 1)
Best used outside where it can navigate through a GPS system, this drone will fly for 15 minutes between charges, take video and return to a programmed home base when the battery is low. Teachers should read all the enclosed documentation about drone laws in Canada before flying this machine. 

Oculus Go Standalone Virtual Reality Headset
Oculus. 2018. Menlo Park, CA: Oculus (OC 1)
Oculus Go is a virtual reality headset that does not require a constant connection to other technology to work. Users can download apps or movies to watch in the amazingly submersive headset.

Rainbow Easi-Scope
TTS. 2018. London, UK: TTS (RES 1)
Small, egg-shaped magnifying cameras for younger students allow children to explore everyday objects with 54x magnification. The cameras hook up easily to PC computers and allow children to take pictures or make movies of the objects they are exploring.

Tuff-Cam 2
TTS. 2018. London, UK: TTS (TUF 1)
This child-friendly and sturdy camera can be used to take pictures or record film clips with audio.  It features 14MB picture quality, a two-inch video screen, easy-to-understand buttons, and a flat base to support stop-motion animation projects. 


Les diplômes des activités physiques et sportives : psychologie, pédagogie et santé du sportif 
Martin-Krumm, Charles. 2016. Paris, FRA : Dunod (796 M381)
Conçu pour ceux qui se destinent aux métiers liés aux activités physiques et sportives, cet ouvrage aborde les problématiques propres au suivi du sportif : psychologie, santé, nutrition, performance, dont l’articulation est essentielle dans le travail des futurs professionnels du sport.

Cultiver l’empathie à l’école
Zanna, Omar et Bertrand Jarry. 2018. Paris, FRA : Dunod (303.327 Z32)
La première partie de cet ouvrage retrace la genèse d’un questionnement au sujet de l’intérêt d’une éducation – par les corps en mouvement – à l’empathie à l’école. La seconde, plus tournée vers l’action, expose des mises en œuvre concrètes à l’adresse des adultes qui ont le souci d’une relation pédagogique bienveillante.

Nos garçons en danger! École, santé, maturité. Pourquoi c’est plus compliqué pour eux et comment les aider
Clerget, Stéphane. 2015. Paris, FRA : Flammarion (158.15 C629)
Pas si simple d’élever son fils dans un contexte d’égalité entre les sexes, de surféminisation du personnel éducatif, de recomposition familiale généralisant le retrait de la figure paternelle... La physiologie et le caractère naturel de nos garçons les prédisposent plus que les filles aux maladies d’apprentissage et aux comportements à risques. Ce livre passionnant, écrit par un des meilleurs spécialistes de l’enfance, alerte sur ce qui pourrait devenir un grave problème éducatif.

L’école face à la violence : décrire, expliquer, agir
Debarbieux, Éric. 2016. Paris, FRA : Armand Colin (371.7 D286)
Une approche objective de la violence à l’école est plus que jamais nécessaire. Il ne s’agit pas d’être naïfs mais bien de poser les questions essentielles et d’y répondre d’après la recherche scientifique.

Ce livre rassemble les contributions des meilleurs chercheurs internationaux sur la violence scolaire. Autant de questions vives, en France, comme à l’étranger dont les réponses s’appuient sur des recherches solides, pour ne pas céder aux simplismes dangereux.

Enseigner les mathématiques : didactique et enjeux de l’apprentissage
Dorier, Jean-Luc, Ghislaine Gueudet, Marie-Lise Peltier, Aline Robert et Éric Roditi. 2018. Paris, FRA : Belin Éducation (510 D693)
Cet ouvrage fait le point sur les difficultés de l’enseignement des mathématiques et apporte des réponses associant la sociologie, la psychologie, la psychanalyse, les neurosciences et la didactique. Riches en exemples tirés de situations de classe, cet ouvrage s’impose comme une référence pour les enseignants et les futurs enseignants.

Parler de religion en classe
Clerc, Sébastien et Yves Michaud. 2018. Paris, FRA : Belin Éducation (292 S443)
Dans ce livre d’un genre nouveau s’installe au fil des pages un dialogue entre un enseignant et un philosophe sur la question de la religion. Le premier, tout en consignant au jour le jour son expérience de terrain, livre les méthodes et astuces qu’il a progressivement mises en place, tandis que le second apporte un cadre de réflexion à la myriade de notions abordées et donne son regard républicain sur les manifestations actuelles du fait religieux.


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